Today we are talking all about the larynx. What is it? Where should it be while we're singing? And what exercises you can do to get it to the place we want it to be while we're singing. What is the larynx? The larynx is the housing of our vocal folds. It is also commonly referred to as the ... READ the POST
Am I good enough to take voice lessons?
I have talked to many people in the past couple weeks who are thinking of taking voice lessons, I love talking to people who are in this step. I think these voice consultations are the most interesting conversations that I have all week. These potential students know they want to take voice lessons, ... READ the POST
3 Ways To Know You Are Ready to Perform
Whether you are in a 5-piece band, the lead role in a play or you want to hit up that open mic next week, how do you really know if you’re ready to perform? In this blog post I'm going to be covering the Top 3 ways to know if you are ready to perform. You’ve probably asked yourself this ... READ the POST
How to Sing in Mixed Voice Series
Ah, the mixed voice. In this two part series, I answer the questions WHAT is the Chest Voice and How to work on it. Make sure you watch this in order! I would love to hear any vocal ... READ the POST
My Reaction to Dimash’s Adagio on World’s Best
If you haven't heard of Dimash've probably been living under a rock. I can say that, because I hadn't heard of him until one of my students told me about how obsessed she was with his voice. That peaked my interest enough to give him a listen. DANG. This guy has an insane range and the ... READ the POST
How to Prepare for a Performance
If you're reading this, CONGRATS! You have a performance! Getting a chance to perform is sometimes the hardest part. NOW WHAT?! Today we go over what you should do the week of, day before, and day of the performance. YES this may seem a litttttle extra, but these things work. If you put the ... READ the POST